Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday Feelings

If you are in search of something special, the one thing I recommend you do is to never quit. Even before you begin it would be smart to formulate a plan. Things will be a lot easier if you do that and stay focused. When things get tough, and it looks like you might fail, stop and pray. It works, let me tell you. Also, anticipate obstacles and try to push through them no matter what. I would tell anyone that you're not to old to go after a dream or a goal. I got my bachelor's degree at 46 and my master's at 48. I just turned fifty and I'm seriously considering going to law school. Of course, I'll be insane by the time I'm done but at least my kids will know that their dad is a doer and not a talker.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

It was another great day today and I'm glad it ended the way it did. I'll be brief and wish anyone who reads this all the luck in the world. Good night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, Hump Day Thoughts

I'm so very thankful for my life and all the blessing that the Lord has given me. I pray that whoever reads this will experience it as well. I'm getting closer day by day to a very big milestone in my life. I'll be so happy to share and celebrate it with everyone the moment it happens. I'll continue to pray about it and let the Lord work another Miracle for me. God is good and he's always on time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday Evening Thoughts

I like when work is busy because it makes the day go by really fast. It was a pretty busy but productive day today so that's a good thing. I reached out to some new business contacts today and hopefully, they'll help me get to the next level in my writing and other goals. I'll keep pushing forward until I reach each and every goal that I set for myself. With the Lord on my side, I can't lose.

Tuesday Morning Thoughts

Good morning all. Have a great day today and may every obstacle that's in your way be knocked down. Reach for the stars and be blessed. If you believe in Miracles, the Lord will send several your way, this I know for a fact is true! Let's go forth and have a great Tuesday everyone.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday Successes

Another productive day in the record books. I had an awesome day with my wife on her birthday. We spent part of the day with her girl scout troop out selling cookies in this cold weather. We have a tough group of young ladies and they did us proud because we sold a lot of cookies today. My writing is going great and I can feel it getting better. Man, don't you love it when things fall into place; I DO!! God is awesome and his blessings are overwhelming!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Celebration

Today's my 17th Wedding Anniversary. I feel truly blessed to be married to such a wonderful woman and friend. Dorothy, thanks for being my wife, partner, help mate and companion. I'm glad you chose me for this journey and I hope the Lord blesses us with many more years. I love you baby and thank God he made you for me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday Snowed In

This weather sucked badly. I'm glad to have the day off but I'd rather be working to be honest. A day of missed pay sucks no matter how much you'd enjoy a day off. Anyway, life is still awesome and I have no one but the Lord to thank for it. Be blessed everybody! I'm still pushing forward with my writing and it's really great. I love storytelling, it rocks!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Reflections

Had a very productive weekend working on my books. I got so much done that it made me feel really great. Spent the weekend with my family and that's always a great thing. All I need to do now is win the next big lottery and I'm set for sure. God is awesome as always and with him the impossible is possible! Keep on pushing forward and working towards finishing what you've started. I feel like if I continue to do that, I'll get what I'm searching for; success!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday: An adventure in Storytelling.

Good morning all. It's time to go to work and make the magic happen. It's story telling time and I'm psyched. I'm ready to continue the journey into the abyss of my gift from the Lord. Storytelling is awesome! Book number fourteen of my crime series is looking pretty good. The future looks bright.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday Feelings

It was another great day today and I'm thankful that everything worked out. I'm ready for a three day weekend with my family to relax and enjoy myself. The weathers not to bad right now but it can change at any moment. Thank you Lord for such a productive day and the blessings you bestowed upon me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday Thoughts

I did a lot of research today and I found some good stuff for my business. Soon I'll be able to get my trademark and finally have a symbol for my brand. I want to get into bulk sales for my books and really expand overseas. 2015 is going to be the year to get to the next level for 1BaylorBooks, LLC. I'm going to keep my feet on the ground and continue to reach for the stars. "I went old school on that quote!" :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What a productive day today and I feel good about what I accomplished. I look forward to tomorrow and getting even closer to my goals. One step at a time, one day at a time, one goal at a time. Peace be with you all.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Moments

What a tough day at work today. I'm glad to have a job and it does have its good moments. I'm tired because I just finished working on my most recent book. I'm going to have a few more glasses of Merlot, then call it a night. 4am comes pretty fast around here so God bless and good night :)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday Thoughts

When you're faced with a challenge what do you do? Do you take it head on or do you run away. For me, it's pretty obvious; I walk straight up to it and punch it in the face! My challenge today is to get things done. I have at least five major things to do today before my head hits the pillow tonight. With the Lord on my side, I will not fail!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

It was a great Thursday and I'm glad it's almost over. I'm looking forward to having a great restful weekend with my family. I love them all so very much. I'm ready to take my career to the next level in 2015. I'm so ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work. I want to get my third book published by this summer and move forward in my writing as well. God is awesome and blessing filled!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday At Home

A slow day at work today so it will be an early bedtime tonight. I'm tired and I don't even feel like writing and that's unusual for me. Be blessed all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday Thoughts

At the end of the day you feel a sense of accomplishment and relief. The night goes by way to fast and you end up awake and back at it again. You're motivated to succeed at whatever you're faced with. In the end, as long as you did your best and gave it your all, success will come easy. Be blessed everyone and goodnight.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Fun Day

I hope that everyone who reads this had a great day today because I did. Mondays are usually hard but today went by pretty good. It's my bedtime now so let me close with this; "Anything is possible is you believe it possible." God bless you all and good night.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Afternoon

Happy Sunday to anyone who reads this. I'm up in my office working and thinking about the future. My plan is to make a final decision on the trademark for my company and getting the third part of my thriller out by the summer. I have a list of goals I'm looking to achieve before 2015 comes to an end and I plan on clearing out my list one goal at a time. My advice to anyone whose having doubts about chasing your dreams is this; "As my father told me a long time ago...the only person that can stop you from achieving anything is the one who's staring back at you in the mirror!" Dream big and never stop chasing your dreams!


Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...