Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday Thoughts - 3/27/2019

Good evening all. Let me apologize for not posting until now. I've been busy getting ready for my move up to VA for my new job. I've been packing and running around like crazy trying to get things done before I leave on Friday. My family is happy and a little sad because I'm leaving but a man has to do what a man has to do in order to take care of them. I'm making another great sacrifice to make a better life for them. At least that's what I'm telling myself anyway. I"m in my office continuing packing up what I need to take with me. I want to make sure that I have everything and that I don't leave anything behind. I'm going to to head downstairs now and have a drink. My head is beginning to ache and I know I could use a break. Take care everyone and thanks for supporting me. God bless you all! Cheers!



Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday Thoughts - 3/22/2019

Good morning all. "When it rains, it pours;" as the saying goes! It's not raining today but the bullshit is trying to rain on my parade. Fortunately, I have a big umbrella that's going to prevent me from getting wet. Anyway, I've had a few things to pop up that are slightly annoying but I will get over them for sure. It's always the case for me when I'm about to get something good, the devil tries to step in and ruin it but God says; "I don't think so pal, leave my son alone NOW!" My savior has my back always so I know he'll step in and move these things that keep popping up trying to interfere with my start date for my new job. Sorry devil, you're not going to defeat me because God is in control and he will help me to win this fight and start on time April 1st!

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good and I know this will be a great day. I say that because I have complete faith in God because he's gotten me this far and with Jesus as my copilot, I can't loose. Well, let me get to work making the world a better place for me and my family. God bless you all! Cheers!



Monday, March 18, 2019

Make today great! - 3/18/2019

Good morning all. I'm just glad to be in a great mood today when I woke up this morning. I'm happy for the family that I have and the life I live. I want to thank God for the man I became and for the path I'm currently walking. I just felt compelled to say that this morning. God bless you all! Cheers!



Friday, March 15, 2019

One step closer to Victory! - 3/15/2019

Good morning all. "Today's going to be a great day. There's nothing out there that I will face that I can't do, handle or get help in doing!" That's one of the original quotes that I say every morning after my prayer when I wake up. I feel really good this morning because I'm one step closer to achieving a major goal for myself. I'll have to go now because I have an appointment. I'll be back later on this afternoon with an update of my day. God bless you all! Cheers!



Thursday, March 14, 2019

Feeling Great - 3/14/2019

Good morning all. It's Thursday and I'm in my office getting ready for my new job in seventeen days! I'm really excited to get started too. I know I've said this before and to me, that's okay. I think that anyone that can, should celebrate a new beginning no matter how big or small it is. It's a big deal to me and I'm more than happy to celebrate it. I feel like this new job will pull me out of the hole that I'm in right now. I'm so tired of being at the bottom of the barrel so know it's time to rise. I will rise once again and stay at the top. I will not repeat the mistakes I made before and I will manage my finances better. God bless you all! Cheers!



Monday, March 11, 2019

Magic Monday - 3/11/2019

Good morning all. I'll keep it short and sweet today! God bless you all! Cheers!



Friday, March 8, 2019

A Friday to Remember - 3/8/2019

Good morning family. It's that time of the day when you first wake up and shake off the prior nights sleep. When your feet hit the floor, you should immediately drop to your knees and pray. I start off each day with prayer because I believe with all my heart that it works. Prayer helps me to begin my day and puts me in a positive frame of mind. My relationship with God is the foundation of my life and I'm so thankful for the life I have and all the blessings that he's given to me and my family. 

I had to get that off my chest this morning because it may be someone out there who reads my messages and may be in need of being uplifted. Anyway, I will be on a mission to get as much done as possible. I got my official start date for my new job and they've even sent me a few things to research before I report in to work on the 1st of April. I want to say to anyone out there to keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams. God will step in and make them happen.

Well people, it's time to get back to work making my world even better than it was yesterday. I dropped off my grandkids at school which is always a treat. Lily and Jeremiah are so excited each morning when I drop them off and I hope their joy continues for learning as they get older. Grandpa is pulling for them each day. God bless you all! Cheers!



Thursday, March 7, 2019

Focus on the Goal - 3/7/2019


Good morning family. I'd like to thank God for all his blessings that he's given to me. I'd like to thank Jesus Christ who's been my guiding light through every storm of my life. With that being said, I'm so happy to be me today. Man does it feel good to finally have things coming together just like you planned them. I'm so thankful for all the blessings that I've received and I'm grateful for my families support. I have to go now because I have a couple of appointments but I had to give thanks where thanks was needed. Cheers!



Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday - 3/6/2019


Good morning family. It's another great day for me and my family. Looks like the start date of my new job will be April 1st. I was hoping for a March date but I'll take it. I can't wait to get back into the field of Law! I've missed it so much and I can't wait to dive in and get busy. Now that the date has been set, it's time to beging preparing; mentally, physically and emotionally! With this new beginning, I'll be able to climb out of this hole and straight to the top once again. Rock bottom sucked so working my way back to greatness is going to be a wonderful thing. Anyway, let me continue to bask in the glory that's called great news. Cheers!



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday on my mind! - 3/5/3019


Good afternoon family. I just got back after a long day in Richmond at the Veterans Hospital. I rode up with my wife because she had an appointment. I still managed to get a lot of work done via my cellphone so the day wasn't totally awash. I'm in my office now and I'm one step closer to getting my start date for my new job. I got a pretty promising email from the folks at human resources so by the end of the week, I should be good to go! I did some work on my next book today and I'm looking forward to releasing it. Well, let me head downstairs and watch some tv. Have a great evening everyone and I'll be back tomorrow with some good news to report. Cheers!



Monday, March 4, 2019

Meaningful Monday! - 3/4/2019

Good evening family. It was a pretty good day today and I was busy the entire time. I'm tired and ready to call it a night. My granddaughter went to her new daycare today and she really liked it. I'm so proud of her because she didn't cry at all. Lily, you're awesome and your granddad is proud of you. Anyway, it's time for me to go to bed so have a great evening family so take care and be safe out there. Au voir!

The journey is the test, the finish line is the reward. God bless you all.


(My four favorite books and Toscana Wine)

Book One: The Garden
Book Two: The Garden's Last Flowers
Book Three: Kelvin Kettle
Book Four: The Huntress

Coming Soon

Book Five: The Truck Stop

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Happy Sunday! - 3/3/2019

Happy Sunday everyone. It's the beginning of the week so I hope you're making the most of today in whatever you're doing. I'm at home just relaxing and thinking about the things I have upcoming this week. It's not going to be a stressful week because I've made up my mind that I'm not going to allow outside bullshit to get in my way. I'm counting on getting my start date for my new job this week. I'm  also looking forward to getting some great news this week. I had a great day at the book sale I went to on Saturday. I sold alot of books and make alot of interesting contacts. Networking is awesome when it's done correctly. Anyway, let me get back to relaxing and watching tv. Everyone who reads this message let me thank you for your support. Have a great rest of your day and let's kick Monday's ass tomorrow!  Au voir!

The journey is the test, the finish line is the reward. God bless you all.


(My four favorite books and Toscana Wine)

Book One: The Garden
Book Two: The Garden's Last Flowers
Book Three: Kelvin Kettle
Book Four: The Huntress

Coming Soon

Book Five: The Truck Stop

Friday, March 1, 2019

The First Friday and The First of March - 3/1/2019

Good afternoon all. It's the first Friday of March 2019 and it should be considered a very special day. It's cloudy and overcast and I'm so very tired. I've been up since 3am and I'm beginning to drag. It's hard to keep my eyes open for now and it's only 2pm! I did have a great lunch with my wife today at Olive Garden. I did get a lot of the things on my to 3p done on my to do list for today so I'm pleased with that. I'm hoping to get a start date for my new job coming up. I'm so ready to get back to work because I'm tired of sitting around on my butt. Anyway, let me get back to work you guys. Au voir!

The journey is the test, the finish line is the reward. God bless you all.


(My four favorite books and Toscana Wine)

Book One: The Garden
Book Two: The Garden's Last Flowers
Book Three: Kelvin Kettle
Book Four: The Huntress

Coming Soon

Book Five: The Truck Stop


Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...