Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday Thoughts - 12/4/2020

Good evening everyone. It's the first Friday of the Month of December. It's also my birth month with my birthday rapidly approaching. Normally at this time of the month, I'd be looking forward to an upcoming trip to Germany. Thanks to Covid-19, that's not going to happen in 2020. And as you can imagine, that sucks real bad. I hate this virus and everything that comes with it. So many people that died is tragic but I'm hoping with the new administration, it can be fixed. 

Anyway, with 2021 just around the corner, I'm already making plans to release at least two books. The first one will be the fifth and final book in the Montclair Murder Series entitled The Truck Stop. I won't give away any information on the book, however, all I can say is that it's going to be pretty great. Well, it's late so it's time for me to open a bottle of wine and relax. Have a great weekend you guys!  

God bless you all who reads this message. Please pray for me because I need it now more than every. Take care...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Saturday Thoughts - 11/21/2020

Happy Saturday everyone. It's been a month since my last post so let me apologize for that. Nothing much to tell since the last time I was here. My grandchildren came over last light and that was nice. I'm up here in my office working on my next book and watching traffic drive by my house. I'll be starting a new job this week with UPS. It's one of those seasonal jobs so I'm excited about that opportunity. I hope that the corona virus will get contained soon. I'm ready to start traveling again and seeing the world! Staying at home is starting to get to me and that has to change. Anyway, it's a sunny day outside so I'm going to go out and enjoy it. God bless you all who reads this message. Please pray for me because I need it now more than every. Take care...

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Thoughts - 10/11/2020

Good morning everyone. It's Sunday morning and I'm at home in my office upstairs. I have a lot of things on my mind but I'm choosing not to share all of them. I'm happy, sad and angry all at the same time. I need a change in my life and I need it now. I"m tired of being in the place that I'm in and I'm afraid that I might act out in a not so pleasing way if I can't find an outlet. I write everyday and that was enough. I'm afraid that very soon, my writing won't be enough to hold off the hurricane that's coming. This is a blog about my writing and my books but this morning I felt compelled to vent and get a few things off of my mind. Hopefully, by the end of the day I won't be feeling like this. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow which is always challenging. I'm praying for a good report and that may help ease my current feelings. Anyway, let me get off of this computer and find something fun to do. In the end, I'm praying that this cloud of emotions leave me soon. God bless all of you who reads this post. Please pray for me because I need it now more than every. Take care...

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tuesday Thoughts - 9/29/2020

Good morning everyone. It's 3:30am and I'm up writing on my computer instead of sleeping. What in the heck is wrong with me. For the last couple days I've been waking up between 1am and 3am for some reason. It sucks because I'll end up exhausted all day. I usually try to take a nap during the day but I'm never successful in my efforts. Anyway, I've included a copy of the cover for my next book. It's due on Amazon on Thursday I think. It's part religion, part motivational, part confessional and a lot of fun to do. Please go to Amazon and give me your support. Well, let me try to get some sleep or at least a little nap. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday Thoughts - 9/24/2020

Good morning everyone,

It's been a few months since my last post. Let me apologize for that. I honestly don't have an excuse outside of being lazy and simply being focused on other things. My fifth book will be set for release this month and I'm so excited for that. It's titled: Footprints in the Sand: How Jesus Carried Me and Words to Motivate and Inspire. When it's released I'll let everyone know and where to get a copy. Anyway, I'll have to stop for now. I have an appointment to go to. I'll be better moving forward with more post.

Everyone take care and be safe. Wear your masks at all times and wash your hands frequently!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Saturday Thoughts - 7/4/2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great week. I got a few disappointing notices during the week. I didn't get selected for the job in Japan and there's currently a hiring freeze for jobs across Europe. I was in the running for a couple jobs in Germany but they've been put on hold as well. Well, that's cool because life goes on and I will still have joy!

It's Saturday so let me get off of this computer and go and enjoy my weekend. Everyone take care and be safe. Wear your masks at all times and wash your hands frequently!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday Thoughts - 6/20/2020

Good morning everyone. Well, it's the day after Juneteenth and it's been quite an interesting couple of weeks. People worldwide are protesting for racial justice and it's a great thing. I'm happy to see how people are standing up for change around the world and here in the United States. Hopefully, we can get a great turn out in November and make the greatest change in the White House!

Anyway, enough with politics and let's talk about more pressing issues. I'll be submitting book number five to the publisher in the next month or so. The Truck Stop is the fifth and final book in the Montclair Murder Series. I think this book will be very entertaining and will grab you by the throat from page one!

I'm in my office now and thinking about doing some BBQing later on today. I have to pick up a bag of coals and a few other items. I have steaks and brats so it's going to be a pretty great day today. It rained all week so I'm hoping the weather will cooperate. Well, let me get off of this computer and get my day started. God bless you all!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sunday Thoughts - 6/7/2020

Good afternoon everyone. It's Sunday and I'm in my office looking out the window and wondering about certain parts of my life. I'm wondering how some of those things are going to turn out and what effect they're going to have on me long term. I'm currently in line for jobs in Japan and Germany. I could go to either one, to be honest. I haven't been to Japan since I left there thirty years ago. Over that thirty-year span, I've been to Germany about a dozen times or more. I hope I'll get an answer from either job soon because I hate sitting about waiting. Hopefully, I'll be submitting book five in the Montclair Murder Series soon. I'm ready to get that done soon and finish this series out so I can move on to a few of my independent books. Anyway, let me close for now so I can get outside and enjoy the sunshine. God bless you all and keep believing in yourselves!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday - 5/25/2020

Good afternoon everyone.  It's Memorial Day so let's thank not only all Veterans but those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom isn't free so let us remember that as we move forward with our lives. I'm about to go and put some flags on graves to honor our local fallen heroes. After that, I might fire up the grill and get those burgers and bratwursts going for the family. Remember to stay safe and wear a mask and gloves!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday Thoughts - 5/14/2020

Good morning everyone. Let me once again apologize for not posting in a while. I have no real excuse to use but simply say I'm sorry. I can't blame it on COVID19, I guess I got a little lazy in my duties to the public. This virus is really messing with my plans moving forward. I'm hopeful by next year I'll be able to attend the London, Paris, and Frankfurt book fairs. At least that's the goal for 2021 to be able to attend all three. I want to do a few other things as well but those three things are at the top of the list. My goal now is to get the fifth and final book of the Montclair Murders published in 2020 titled The Truck Stop! If you've read the first four books of the series, you'll truly love number five, that I promise. Anyway, let me get back to work saving the world. God bless you all and be safe.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday Thoughts - 4/22/2020

Good evening everything. I hope you all are continuing to stay safe and not taking any undue chances. This virus is getting worse and worse by the day. I hope our elected officials use common sense moving forward. I'm in no hurry to gather in a crowd and I'll do that once they get a vaccine in place to use for the general public. I think we need to continue social distancing because it's working. Anyway, let me get back to work and finish my day strong. I just had to vent briefly on the virus so please be patient and continue making wise choices. Our health is the most important thing we have!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday Thoughts - 4/11/2020

Happy Saturday everyone. I hope everyone is staying safe and watching over their families. This virus is very scary and they're so many people that are dying nationwide. The world is in serious danger and we need to exercise social distancing. We must lift up each other in prayer and keep focused on being safe. The media is giving great advice on how to stay safe so listen to it. Anyway, let me get back to enjoying my Saturday at home. Take care and be blessed out there everyone. God bless us all!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Thoughts - 4/3/2020

Good evening family. I just wanted to leave a brief message advising everyone to stay safe out there and make smart decisions. The coronavirus is no joke so don't take unneccessary chances. God bless you all.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday Thoughts 3/26/2020

Good morning everyone. It's been over a month since my last post and let me apologize for that. My trip to London was canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak and that sucked. I'm currently at home on telework duties so I thought I'd stop and write a quick message to the masses. Anyway, I haven't been experiencing cabin fever yet and I'm thankful for that. I hope this pandemic gets contained and a virus is found so that we can stop this thing from killing so many people. Well, let me get back to work and I'll try to get back this afternoon with a followup/end of day message. God bless you all and stay safe! Practice social distancing!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Saturday Thoughts - 2/22/2020

Good afternoon everyone. It's been a few days since my last post so let me apologize for that. I'm still in the process of getting ready for London. I have a few other things that I'm working on as well. My fifth book is my series is complete and I'll be submitting it to the publisher soon. My daughter's eighteenth birthday is today so I'll be celebrating it with her today. I'll have to end this message now so take care of everyone and be safe out there. God is great and his love is everlasting!


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday Thoughts - 2/12/2020

Good evening family. It's been a few days since I last posted so let me apologize for that. These last few days have been pretty busy. Anyway, I just thought I'd leave a quick message to the masses. I'm currently getting my website built for my publishing company and it should be ready in a couple more weeks. I'll make the announcement when it's complete. That's all for now so let me get ready for bed and work tomorrow. God bless you all.


Saturday, February 8, 2020

Saturday Thoughts - 2/8/2020

Good evening family. I'm at home in NC chilling with my family. I went to my niece's baby shower and I'm happy to say she's having a boy! It's her second child and I'm so proud of her. One more addition to the family which is pretty awesome. I had a pretty good day today with my family and now it's time to chill and watch a little tv. London is getting closer and I'm anxious to go and have a great time. Anyway, let me get off of this computer and go and get with my family. Have a great evening everyone and be safe out there!



Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday Thoughts - 2/3/2020

Good morning everyone. This will be a pretty good month for me and my family. My wife and I will be celebrating our twenty-second wedding anniversary. It's also her birthday month as well as my youngest daughter's birthday as well. If you count Valentine's day, I'm going to be broke for the entire month! I watched the super bowl last night and it was a pretty good game. Now we have hockey and basketball to watch until baseball season starts (8 days until Spring Training Starts - 51 days until the MLB Regular Season!) I can't wait because I'm a baseball fanatic for sure.

Anyway, let me get back to business and making the world better for me and my believers. Take care everyone and be safe out there!

P.S. Give an old friend a call today that you haven't spoken to in a while. Tell your parents and grandparents you love them. When they're gone, they will be missed!





Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...