Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Thoughts - 10/11/2020

Good morning everyone. It's Sunday morning and I'm at home in my office upstairs. I have a lot of things on my mind but I'm choosing not to share all of them. I'm happy, sad and angry all at the same time. I need a change in my life and I need it now. I"m tired of being in the place that I'm in and I'm afraid that I might act out in a not so pleasing way if I can't find an outlet. I write everyday and that was enough. I'm afraid that very soon, my writing won't be enough to hold off the hurricane that's coming. This is a blog about my writing and my books but this morning I felt compelled to vent and get a few things off of my mind. Hopefully, by the end of the day I won't be feeling like this. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow which is always challenging. I'm praying for a good report and that may help ease my current feelings. Anyway, let me get off of this computer and find something fun to do. In the end, I'm praying that this cloud of emotions leave me soon. God bless all of you who reads this post. Please pray for me because I need it now more than every. Take care...


Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...