Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thursday Thoughts - 1/28/2021

Good afternoon everyone. Again, let me apologize for the long time in between posts. It's been pretty busy on my end and I've neglected my duty to keep in touch with everyone. Anyway, I submitted my sixth book for publishing last week. It's my first Sci-Fi book and I'm so very excited about it. I think it will be the next great scientific series to be released to the world. This first book is the first book in a five book series. I currently working to complete the entire series as we speak. I'm also in the middle of having a new website built as well. My current web host is going out of business due to retirement. 

The book fairs that I'd like to attend this year are the Paris, London & Frankfurt Book Fairs. I think with the progression of the virus, none of them will be attended. It's disappointing because I wanted to go last year but they all were cancelled. If I can get to at least one of them then I'd consider the year not a total loss. The Paris Book Fair is May 28th to 31st, The London Book Fair is June 29th to July 1st and the Frankfurt Book Fair is October 20th to 24th. I hope the vaccine can get distributed here in NC soon so I can get my shot and better my chances of attending one of these event. 

Well, it's Thursday and it snowed last night. I'm going outside to build a snowman before the snow melts! 

God bless you all...



Good morning family. Thank God its Friday and I'm so ready for the weekend. All I want to do is relax with my family and do as little as...