Good morning family. Today is a day that's very important to me. I've decided to let a few things go that I've been holding on to for quit some time. I've held onto a lot of painful memories that I simply wouldn't let go for some reason. I've carried a lot of pain around that I had to let go. There were some people from my past that I had to let go of as well. I was glad to do that because they were so toxic and negative. I feel a lot better now since that happened and as I move forward, I'd recommend to everyone to do the same. Let go of that pain from your past that you're carrying around. You'll feel a lot better when you do it. Therapy helps as well by the way and I suggest you find a professional in your area and get to work on getting yourself back to a great place. A place of happiness, joy and love.
Today is the second Monday of the month and I had to start it off with positivity and love. I worked out, dropped off my grand kids at school, had breakfast and will get to work on my current book/masterpiece! I went to a cookout on Sunday at my sister-in-law's house for mother's day with my wife. We had a good time with our family and the food was great. I got to catch up with a few relatives I hadn't seen in a while and that was good as well. Anyway, let me get back to work so I can finish early and enjoy my Monday. Take care and be safe out there!
God Bless You All...
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