Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 8/30/2021

Good morning family. It's the last Monday of the month of August. We have hurricane Ida coming up the gulf coast and the weather is going to suck in the next few days starting in September. Working for the airlines is going to mean when the weather is bad, your day is going to suck. I need a vacation already and I just barely got started. 

I have to get to work on my next series in my catalog. I have so many things that are pending right now. I have at least six different books that I'm working on. I feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to do what I want. I need to make some changes to reach the goals I have set for myself. Anyway, I'm at home so let me enjoy the rest of my day.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Thoughts - 8/27/2021

Good afternoon family! I'll have to keep it short for today. I'm feeling great and my day off is going pretty smooth. I hope everyone has a great weekend and be safe out there.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 8/25/2021 Part 1

Good morning family! Well, Wednesday is upon us and I have to say I'm ready for it. I have the next two days off after I finish work today and I'm excited about that. I'll be going to get a haircut along with my grandson tomorrow because we both need it. I'm still hard at work on my next book releases as well. I'm in the middle of cleaning my office as well. It's a lot of items I need to get rid of as well as dusting and some painting. Anyway, it's almost 8am so I better get some breakfast and prepare myself for work. I'll be back this afternoon with a follow-up message.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 8/23/2021

Good morning everyone. It's Monday and the start to a new week for us all. I'm getting an early start to my day today because I have a full plate to get through. I'm tired and trying to get myself together after a very busy day yesterday. My job is very consuming and it takes a lot out of me. Anyway, I think I'll be going to IHOP this morning and getting my omelet for breakfast. I woke up pretty hungry this morning so I need to take care of that immediately. I hope everyone has a great day today and get some good news from out of nowhere.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday Thoughts - 8/22/2021

Good afternoon family! What a long day today as I got up at 1:30am this morning to go to work. My hours over the last three days were 3:30am to 12:00pm. It has kicked my butt getting up this early. I managed to make it to work everyday and not be late. My hours will change for the next few days to a later time and I'm thankful for that. My new job is fine and I'll continue to keep a positive mindset moving forward.

I'm waiting to receive copies of my newest SciFi book from my publisher and I can't wait. I'm working on a new SciFi book and so many other things with my publishing company. I'm thinking about taking a trip to New Orleans in the coming months with my family. I'm avoiding Mardi Gras to stay away from the large crowds and drunk people. I want to be able to explore the city and not have to worry about being involved in anything that may make my family uncomfortable. 

I'm up in my office doing some writing and I'm ready to relax for the rest of the day and get mentally ready to face tomorrow and all the challenges that come with it. My advice to everyone who reads this message: Stay Positive, Stay Focused, Stay on the path to your success and finally, Pray to God to guide every step you take to the finish line!

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 8/18/2021

Good morning family. It's Wednesday and I have the day off. I really need to take full advantage of this day because of having to get up at 2am the last couple days. I slept okay last night but I still feel a little tired. I have to work on two of my newest books today because I'm slightly behind schedule. I'm still trying to get adjusted to my new schedule at work. 

I'm debating on when to send my fifth and final book of the Montclair Murder Series to my publisher for production. This last book is titled The Truck Stop and it's pretty damn good I think! I've already completed the second book in my SciFi series Nilus 7. I'm working on the third book in that series as well as an independent SciFi book about the moon. I have to review my completed works to see what will be released at the end of the year. 

I'm going to take my grandson to get his and my hair cut today because we're both starting to look like throwbacks from the seventies with our mini Afro's! I need to get my car detailed because it is so filthy. This bad weather coming in sucks when you work for the airlines. The toughest part is rebooking someone's flight. You get yelled at all the time. Hazards of the trade I guess. Anyway, let me get back to work and get some important things done.  

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 8/16/2021

Good morning everyone. I went to work this morning at 3:30am for the first time since I took this job with American Airlines. It was so hard getting up at 2am in order to get to work on time. I'm still a little tired right now and it's almost noon. I have to go in tomorrow at the same time so I'll be going to bed at 8pm tonight. My days off will begin the moment I leave work and I can't wait. I want to get a lot of things done during my time off and I plan on doing just that. This 3am scheduled that I just started is going to take some time to get adjusted too. In the end, no matter what, I will get the job done; period!

I have to order some copies of my new book to sell locally. I can't wait for my first book signing to share my newest creation to the world. So let me close this for now and get to work on another master peace. Anyway, let's make some magic happen. I hope everyone has a great day today and stay safe out there. Don't take any unnecessary risks if you can help it. God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 8/11/2021

Good morning everyone. It's been a few days since my last message. Let me apologize for that happening. My new job has been pretty consuming working for American Airlines. It's really nice and I have great coworkers who I get along with pretty good. Today's my day off so I thought I'd get online and update everyone on what's happening. Anyway, I have a fairly quiet day today planned so I'm going to get to it. I updated this page and I've included my Twitter and Facebook information in case you'd like to check me out there. I hope everyone has a great day today and stay safe out there. Wear your masks and don't take any unnecessary risks if you can help it. 

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tuesday's Big Share - 8/3/2021

Good afternoon family. I just took this photo of all of my books I felt compelled to share with you all. My latest SciFi masterpiece, Nilus 7 has been added to this photo. God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Tuesday Thoughts - 8/3/2021

Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to share the photo I took of my first Sci-Fi and latest book release. Nilus 7 is the next generation in the science fiction genre. I'm so proud of this book and I look forward to sharing it with the world! It will be available on my website in the coming weeks as well as on Amazon immediately. Anyway, look forward to a great read when you get you hands on this.

Take care and may God bless you all!



Monday, August 2, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 8/2/2021

Good evening family. I just completed my first week of work at my new job with American Airlines. It was a little stressful but I made it through! I look forward to my days off to do more studying and reading up on my position. I can't wait to start flying as well and enjoying the benefits I've earned. I have another training coming up to work on the ramp to process the aircraft upon arrival. Anyway, it's time for bed so I'll call it a night! Take care everybody and be safe out there.

God Bless You All... 


 See the source image


Good morning family. Thank God its Friday and I'm so ready for the weekend. All I want to do is relax with my family and do as little as...