Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 11/29/2021

Good morning friends. Monday has arrived and I'm excited for it. It's the last one of the month of November so let's make it count. I got my car inspected today and got the new plates for it. I've never waited so late in the month to do it and I'm a little surprised at myself. Anyway, I got it done and checked off of my list of things to do for today. 

I just finished working on one of my thrillers today and I must say it's going pretty well. The highlight of my day is when I'm working on my stories. They bring me so much joy. I truly love what I do and it means so much to me. I'm on schedule to finish these two current books I'm working on by the end of December. My first project for 2022 is to complete two unfinished children's books.

One of my main goals for 2022 is to get at least three books published by the end of the year. I haven't decided on which ones yet but I'm getting close to that decision. The first of the three will be the last of the Montclair Murder Series. That's the first one I will have published. After that, number two may be a Sci-Fi or even a children's book. I'll make my final picks during the month of December. 

Well, let me get back to work. Be safe out there and enjoy the last Monday of November 2021!

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday Thoughts - 11/26/2021

Good morning family. It was a very good Thanksgiving holiday here at my house. I had some family that came in from Richmond we had a great time together. My wife cooked a great meal and everyone had fun together. I really enjoy this time of year when we get together with family to celebrate being together and eating really great food. It's going to be a relaxing day for me today. I'm on a mission to do as little as possible today. Well, let me get busy doing nothing. Stay safe and be careful out there!

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 11/24/2021

Good morning friends. It's Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving and I'm ready to eat. This is my favorite holiday of the year. I base that solely on the meal because it's the one day of the year where your diet goes out of the window. I'm not on a diet so I won't give a shit either way. I want to watch football and eat with my family. I'm hoping for a drama free day with little distractions from outside. Wishful thinking anyway I guess. 

I'll take the rest of the day to work on my books and doing research. The constant pursuit of a better life for me and my family is never ending. Anyway, take care all and be safe out there.

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 11/22/2021

Good morning family. It's another day amongst the living and I'm so happy to be here. I am making a claim that today is going to be a great day. I will accomplish everything that I set out to accomplish. I will have a positive attitude and I will make the most of every opportunity that comes my way. I believe in myself and my abilities and I won't give two shits about other peoples negative opinions of me. It's all about me today and being the best me I can be. So many people out here get so tied up in worrying about what other people think about them. Me, I don't give a shit because my happiness is very important to me. I don't depend on other people to make me happy. I depend on myself for my own happiness. I suggest you do the same. Peace!!

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Thoughts - 11/19/2021

Good afternoon family. It was a pretty good day today for me. I got a lot of work done and it feels really great for me when I have days like this. These days go by pretty quick and I like that even more. I worked on another sauce today as well and it turned out pretty good. I used some seasoning from another country and it really tasted great on steak. 

I'm going to enjoy the rest of my evening and it's going to start with a really good glass of wine. I bought a few new bottles yesterday and I can't wait to try them out. A great day like today needs to be completed by a great wine to celebrate. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend and do something fun with your family. 

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 11/17/2021

Good morning everyone. I've been pretty busy this morning working on my tasks for today. I picked up some new spices to try with my next round of BBQ sauces. I'm excited to see how they will turn out and what my family will think of them. 

It's been a pretty good day so far as I just finished work on my latest SciFi book. I'm excited about this book and I'm making pretty good progress on it's production. With that book on thriller I'm working on, 2021 is going to close out pretty good. 

I think next month I'll finally open up that craft beer kit and begin the process of making my own beer. I'm curious to see how that process works and how will it taste. I hope I don't mess it up to bad so my fingers will be crossed. Anyway, let me get back to work and finish strong. Be safe out there! 

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 11/15/2021

Good morning everyone. It's Monday and I'm ready to get the week started off right. I want to make the most of this day. It won't be another day like today so it's my goal to be great. Anyway, let me get to it and I'll do my best to come back later on this afternoon with closing thoughts of today.

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Friday, November 12, 2021

Friday Thoughts - 11/12/2021

Good evening family. It was a very good day today and it went as I hoped for. I found a wonderful spice shop in Raleigh and I bought a really nice set of spices to cook with this weekend. I didn't get any writing done today and that's okay by me. Some days you just have to take off and rest your brain. Anyway, it's time for dinner so let me go and get something to eat. Be safe out there.

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 11/10/2021

Good morning family! It's hump day Wednesday and I'm about to get humping! I had a pretty good breakfast and I'm fueled up to start off with a great morning. I'm excited to begin working on my book this morning which will get me one step closer to completion. I have a few calls to make today as well and I'm looking forward to having a really great day today. It's almost 8am and my work is calling to me to get started. Anyway, be safe out there today and make an effort to stay focused on your goals!

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Monday, November 8, 2021

11/8/2021 - Monday Thoughts

Good morning family. It's Monday and I'm hard at work in the office with a pile of work to get done. I'm tired already but I have to do what I have to do in order to get the job done. I just finished work on my latest SciFi and it was a nice ride. I'll be working on next thriller as well today but I'll attack it later on this afternoon. I'll be reaching out to a buddy of mine in China for some marketing because I'm trying to get into the Asian market. Anyway, let me get back to it. Monday is my fun day!

Here's the link to my facebook page for my book Nilus 7. Check it out and let me know what you think.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday Thoughts - 11/5/2021

Good morning family. It's Friday and the end of another week. The first week of November was very successful with many things being accomplished. It's nice to start off the month in a strong way that will carry into the next week. I'm still working on my books and will be finishing two of them by the end of the year. I'm averaging two thousand words a day so at this pace, I should be okay to get there.

I have a lot of things to get done today with a very full schedule. I need to go out and pick up a few items for my house as well. If I have time, I'm going to clean the gutters on the front of my house because they're full of pine needles. I guess that's what you get when your house is surrounded by pine trees! Anyway, time to get to work. Be safe out there everyone and let's have a great Friday.

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday Thoughts - 11/3/2021 Part 1

Good afternoon everyone. Well it's the first Wednesday in the month of November so let's make the most of it. I have to be really short today due to a few meetings I have to attend this afternoon. I apologize for this because this has been the only time I've been able to break free to write a message. It's exactly 3:02pm and I'll have to close here for now. 

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!


Monday, November 1, 2021

Monday Thoughts - 11/1/2021

Good morning friends. It's the first day and first Monday of November! I'm excited for the new month and what lies ahead. We're that much closer to 2022 and all of the great things that are heading our way. I'm going to attack today's tasks with the motivation of getting them done as early as possible. 

I had a great weekend with my grand children and watching them enjoy all of their Halloween candy. It's so nice when they come to visit and I really enjoy being around them. Jeremiah and Lily are special kids and they make me so proud to be a grandpa!

My scheduled is pretty packed today so I need to get to work. I have to make a quick run to the pharmacy and pick up a prescription. That will be my one break this morning so let me get to it so I can finish strong for the day. Let me close by saying Happy November to you all. Let's do better than what we did last month! The skies the limit!

God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!



Good morning family. Thank God its Friday and I'm so ready for the weekend. All I want to do is relax with my family and do as little as...