Monday, March 28, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/28/2022

Good morning family. It's the last Monday of the month and today is also my grandson Jeremiah's birthday. Happy 7th birthday buddy, God bless you with many more and enjoy your day! We had his party this past Saturday and we had a lot of fun. All of the family came out to celebrate and it was very nice.

I have a full schedule today and I want to finish it all so I can relax and have some wine. I have some blueberry sangria that's dying to be opened and drank. I can't wait to try it because I heard it's pretty tasty. I want to get the rest of my goals for the month done before March is complete. Fingers crossed with prayers lifted up.

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE ALL YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/23/2022

Good afternoon family. It's always nice when things come together. I've had one of those days. My writing session was great and I got a lot done. Books number 39 and 40 should be done by the end of April or mid May. I'm unsure what will be the next series I'll be working on but that's okay too. I want to buy another computer this summer as well. There's so many things I want to accomplish by the end of the year and I know I'm up for the challenge. 

My daughter came over for lunch and we had a nice time together. My grandson has T-Ball practice today but it might get called due to the rain. This weather is unusual this time of year. One day it's eighty degrees and the next it's thirty-five and rainy! Anyway, God knows what he's doing so let us rejoice and be glad in it. PRAISE THE LORD!! 

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE ALL YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Monday, March 21, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/21/2022

Good morning family. It's a great day to be alive and well. I had a pretty good weekend with my grand children. Jeremiah and Lily are truly a blessing and I enjoy each and every moment with them. I had a pretty laid back weekend watching Spring Training baseball. My beloved Red Sox are undefeated so far at 4-0. I look forward to the start of the regular season April 7th. 

My books are coming along well and I'm getting closer to finishing numbers 39 & 40! I need to get another website built as soon as possible. I want to be able to sell my book at a place other than Amazon. I'll be working on doing that before the end of the month if possible. I have a full day ahead so let me get back to work. Stay safe out there and remember to social distance and wear your mask. PRAY FOR UKRAINE AND AN END TO THE WAR!!

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE ALL YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Friday, March 18, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/18/2022

Good afternoon everyone. It's been a pretty good week for me. I got a lot of great things done and I managed to accomplish this in an orderly manner. I have been slightly unbalanced due to my right knee injury. It's been bothersome for the last month or so and I'm so tired of the constant pain. Especially when I walk or go up and down stairs. I hope this mess comes to an end by the start of summer because the last thing I want it to be hobbling around with a bum knee.

I have no real plans for the weekend. If the weather is decent, I may break out the grill and do a little barbecuing. I might wash my filthy car and get a haircut. My 70's Afro is growing out and I can't let that happen! Anyway, let me get back to work so I can enjoy my weekend with my family. 

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE ALL YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Monday, March 14, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/14/2022

Good morning family. I got off to a late start this morning. This daylight savings time is a huge pain in the ass! I got up late, then got to the gym late. Then I got home late and had a late breakfast. The theme for today is LATE! Anyway, I'm in the middle of the madness right now trying to get my work done before it's too late today. Tomorrow, I'll set my alarm clock for 6am because I slept until 7:30am this morning which is late for me. I will start my day off early tomorrow because being late to do anything sucks! Well, let me get back to my work. Be safe out there and pray for Ukraine!

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE ALL YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Friday, March 11, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/11/2022

Good morning everyone. This isn't how I normally start off a message but I have to get something off of my chest. Why is it that certain people that have a job to do that's important and that can help others refuse to do what they're being paid to do? It really makes me angry when I try to get help and the person who can help me acts like I'm offending them for asking for help! If it's your job to help people then help them! IDIOTS! Anyway, that was my brief release of frustration from an event I experienced yesterday. 

So, it's Friday and the weekend is here once again. I'm happy to see that MLB and the Players have reached an agreement so they can get back to baseball and the 2022 season can begin. I want to go to several games this year and I can't wait. It seemed like it took the season forever to get here and now that it is, I'm ready to experience a great time at the ballpark.

Well, I have a full plate of items I must clear before I can enjoy my weekend so let me get to it. I hope everyone's weekend goes as planned and you have some fun. Be blessed and safe out there!

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE ALL YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/9/2022

Good morning family. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood everyone. I woke up this morning feeling pretty good even though my knee hurts like shit! Old age and arthritis sucks! Anyway, I have a very busy schedule to get through and it always seems like there's not enough hours in the day. Well, let me get busy and I'll be back later on with my closing thoughts.

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE After YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Monday, March 7, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/7/2022

Good morning family. I just got back from my doctor's appointment and everything went well. My knee isn't as bad as I thought it was. I'll get to keep my lower leg after all. Now, I have to get through the rest of my day with no more drama. I want to get to London or Paris next month if possible. With the unrest that's going on in Ukraine, it's going make things tough. I'll continue working on my books and staying focus on building my portfolio. 

Well, let me get to work so I can make the most of the rest of my day. All goals will be finished and then I'll treat myself to a nice glass of wine or some Corona's.

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE After YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Friday, March 4, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/4/2022

Good afternoon all. It's Friday and I'm in pain! My right knee is on fire with a buildup of fluid. I'm getting it drained on Monday and I can't wait. I hate feeling like this and pain really sucks. Anyway, I just got through with a great writing session and now I'm getting my weekend started early. Stay safe out there guys and keep it classy!

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE After YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/2/2022 Part 2

Good afternoon family. It's after 6pm and I'm exhausted. One of the busiest days so far this year. I'm going to sleep pretty good tonight. I just got back into working on the third and final book in the Nilus 7 Sci-Fi series. After completing the last two children's books in my portfolio, I continue work on book three of a five book spin off to the Montclair Murder series. Nilus 7 Volume III has now began it's road to completion. After a year of sitting on the shelf, it's time for this book to be finished. 

I will be working on both books simultaneously in order to get them done before the end of spring. My grand kids stopped by for a brief visit and it was nice to see them. I had about a dozen phone calls that I had to make today. I also received about twice as many as I made! NUTS! I made multiple stops all around town today and now I'm ready for a glass of wine and to put my feet up to relax. I hope tomorrow isn't as busy as today. Back to back days like this and I'll retire early. 

Anyway, let me get myself downstairs and get into my recliner! 

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE After YOUR HATERS WRONG!

WHAT'S ON MY MIND - 3/2/2022 - Part 1

Good morning all. It's hump day and I'm in the middle of humping. Anyway, this is going to be one busy Wednesday ahead. I'm going to make it short and sweet for now. I will be back later on this afternoon with a "end of the day" message.

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE YOUR HATERS WRONG!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

WHAT'S ON MY MIND! - 3/1/2022

Good afternoon family. Well, It's the first day of March and that means I have to be better and do better than I did in February; CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!! I got up this morning and had a great workout at Planet Fitness. It's always great to start off your day getting those endorphins flowing. I want to get more of the goals I set for myself accomplished during this month than last. A made a list of goals I want to accomplish before 2022 comes to an end. I got several done during last month and now I'm going to see for this month if I can surpass that number.

My daily workouts will continue as planned. I feel myself getting stronger by the day. I know I won't be the same in my youth but there's nothing wrong with trying to come as close to it as possible. I'm just about finished with my schedule for the day so let me get back to work and finish strong. I hope all of us have a great March and set goals to achieve more than what you did in February!

Take care everyone and have a great 2022! Remember, stay focused on your goals, pray to the Lord for strength, patients and courage. YOU WILL WIN AND PROVE YOUR HATERS WRONG!


Good morning family. Thank God its Friday and I'm so ready for the weekend. All I want to do is relax with my family and do as little as...