Monday, October 2, 2017

Morning Madness

Weekend Recap:

Well I had a very good weekend with my family. My grandkids are awesome and growing up fast. I always feel a little sad when it's time to leave and it's getting harder and harder to do just that. My youngest daughter brought home a report card with all A's and one B. I'm so proud of her and I know she's going to grow up to be an awesome human being. I had to renew my driver's license and passport in which I did. I sent the driver's license renewal form in on the 16th of September and the passport renewal application in on the 19th. They both came back in the mail on the 30th which was a lot quicker than I thought. I'm happy now for that especially to have a renewed passport. My trips next year to Paris and London can happen without any drama! I had a doctor's appointment with my cardiologist and it was okay. New meds to take so the drama continues.

Monday Morning Madness:

I get to work this morning on time and I'm setting up for my day when I bend over to plug up an extension cord and my pants slip up the middle! This is not how I wanted to start off my Monday morning at work! I'm lucky that I had a pair of sweat pants in my car or I'd be screwed. Anyway, I'm in for a busy day with being out on Friday. I have the paperwork stacked to the ceiling so let me get busy. God bless all who read and support me and all of what I'm accomplishing.

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Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...