Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Making The Right Things Happen For Me! - 2/19/2019

Good morning all. It's Tuesday and I'm in my office with alot on my mind. I'm wondering about the directiion that I want to go in during the coming months. I want to make sure that I stick to my plans and remain focused. It's so easy to get distracted and drawn away from what's important. I said before the year began that I was going to get rid of distractions and negative people. So far during 2019 I've done just that. I've turned away from alot of things that would thrown me off course. Negative people are at the top of that list. I've had quit a few that have tried to interject themselves into my life with their problems and bullshit. I've been strong enough not to allow them to get very close and I feel pretty good about that. As long as I can keep that up moving forward, 2019 will be a heck of alot better than 2018.

So far this year I've been able to get a few of my goal that I've set for myself accomplished. That tells me I'm still on the right path. Focus is everything to me and as long as I continue to remain that way, I will win! I have a ton of things to get done today so let me get back to it. Have a great day everyone and remember to stay on the path of rightousness and truth! Au voir!


(My four favorite books and Toscana Wine)

Book One: The Garden
Book Two: The Garden's Last Flowers
Book Three: Kelvin Kettle
Book Four: The Huntress

Coming Soon

Book Five: The Truck Stop

The journey is the test, the finish line is the reward. Take care everyone and thanks as always for your support. God bless you all.

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