Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday Thoughts - 4/23/2019

Good evening everyone. It's been a pretty good Tuesday for me and I'm so happy to be free. I'm at home after a long but successful day at my new job. So far my new job is pretty good and the staff is pretty good as well. I had a good workout afterwards and I'm ready to have a couple Corona's and call it a night. Anyway, I'm keeping it short tonight because I'm tired and ready to go to bed early. Take care everyone and may God bless you all. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 4/20/2019

Good Saturday morning everyone. I haven't posted a message all week. I've been busy doing so many things that posting a message just simply fell to the wayside. My apologies for that because I should be more aware of my time and what's important to me which this is. Now if I can only get more people to read my messages, I'd be a lot more satisfied with what I put out to the masses. I'm getting closer to getting funding for my business. I know that I haven't talked about that in a while and that's for a reason.

I'm at home right now just relaxing and watching the Expendables marathon on AMC. I have seen these movies a dozen times but what can I say, I'm an action movie junky. I might take a ride later on today and do some shopping or maybe get a haircut. My car is in desperate need of washing so I might as well do that too. I was at the doctor's office yesterday and my blood pressure was 99/62 which is excellent. The nurse said to me; "we have twenty year olds who don't have blood pressure readings like that! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!" I simply smiled and said; "no problem."

Anyway, I guess I better get going and get something done before it will be time to go to bed. It's 11 am right now. I have twelve hours to go before bedtime so I'm burning daylight as we speak! Bye!    

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Thoughts - 4/14/2019

Good evening everyone. It's the first day of the week and I had a great weekend with my family. I made it back safely to Petersburg and I'm in the middle of getting ready for this week's work. I'm excited about this upcoming week as I have a lot to do. I talked to two of my old army buddies from Japan and we had a great time catching up. One of my friends has been promoted in his job and transferred to Hawaii. Man, I'm so happy for him and his family. Now that I know he's there, I will be planning a trip by the end of the year for sure. Anyway, I'm tired and it's been a long day so let me get back to work because I'm going to be early tonight. Peace, love, and blessing to you all. Believe in yourself, ask God for help and watch the magic happen!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Thoughts - 4/12/2019

Good evening everyone. I haven't blogged all week and let me apologize for that. It's been a busy week and I've completed my first two weeks at my new job. So far, so good you guys! I like my new coworkers and working at a hospital isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's Friday and I'm at a new place chilling for the night. I'll probably drive home tomorrow to visit with my family. Anyway, it's Corona time so take care you guys and be safe this weekend.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 4/6/2019

Good morning everyone. It's Saturday and I'm at home with my family. I just finished my first week at my new job and it was pretty great. I see wonderful things ahead and it will be nice to get the first paycheck. Man, I need money now and I can't wait until I get paid! I drove home to NC last night and I'll be spending the weekend doing a few things around the house before heading up the road on Sunday. I want to catch up on a few calls that I have to make and my notes for my next book. I'm shooting for a summer release; fingers crossed. Anyway, let me get busy and do something fun. Have a great Saturday! Peace, love, and blessing to you all. Believe in yourself, ask God for help and watch the magic happen!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Another Great Day - 4/2/2019

Good evening everyone. It was another great day today and again, I like how that feels. My nephew starts his new job this month as well and I'm proud of him. He's a new dad and I know he's going to be awesome. He has big dreams and I'm going to do whatever I can to help him get there. As for me, I'm on a new journey and it feels great. I worked out today and it made me feel pretty good. Slowly but surely I'm going to get my body back. I'm tired of being fat and out of shape. I will succeed because it's my destiny. Anyway, let me go and give my family a call to check and see how they are doing. Peace, love and blessing to you all. Believe in yourself, ask God for help and watch the magic happen!

Monday, April 1, 2019

New Job, New Day with a New Attitude - 4/1/2019

Good evening all. TODAY WAS A GREAT DAY FOR ME AT MY NEW JOB!! I just had to shout that out to the masses. I worked out today after work as well so I'm on a roll right now. This has been one of the best Mondays I've had in a long time. I have to continue to ride this wave on goodness through the rest of the week and into the weekend. I'm a little sore now and my muscles ache slightly so that hot shower is going to feel pretty good in a few minutes. The Corona's I drank in celebration tasted so good as well. Man, this is a great feeling and I'm going to make it my priority to make it last for a long time. Anyway, it's shower and sleep time so let me get to it. God bless you all! Cheers!




Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...