Saturday, April 20, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 4/20/2019

Good Saturday morning everyone. I haven't posted a message all week. I've been busy doing so many things that posting a message just simply fell to the wayside. My apologies for that because I should be more aware of my time and what's important to me which this is. Now if I can only get more people to read my messages, I'd be a lot more satisfied with what I put out to the masses. I'm getting closer to getting funding for my business. I know that I haven't talked about that in a while and that's for a reason.

I'm at home right now just relaxing and watching the Expendables marathon on AMC. I have seen these movies a dozen times but what can I say, I'm an action movie junky. I might take a ride later on today and do some shopping or maybe get a haircut. My car is in desperate need of washing so I might as well do that too. I was at the doctor's office yesterday and my blood pressure was 99/62 which is excellent. The nurse said to me; "we have twenty year olds who don't have blood pressure readings like that! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!" I simply smiled and said; "no problem."

Anyway, I guess I better get going and get something done before it will be time to go to bed. It's 11 am right now. I have twelve hours to go before bedtime so I'm burning daylight as we speak! Bye!    

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Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...