Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Thoughts 6/24/2019

Good morning all. It's been a while once again since I posted a message. I'm at work now and it's a little slow so I thought this would be a good time. Let me apologize again for my absence, I have to work on being more present. I'm going to be submitting my fifth and final book of the Montclair Murder Series: The Truck Stop. I'm excited about that and I can't wait to get started working on it. The book is already done, I just have to submit it to the publisher. I have a few more things to do and then I'll submit it and begin the process of bringing the book to life. Now that my company is officially up and running, my next mission will be making it a profitable business entity. I want to help other authors get there books notice and I'll give them the opportunity to advertise on my company's website as well. Anyway, let me get back to the process. Peace, Joy & Love to all.

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Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...