Good evening everyone. It's Wednesday and I had a pretty busy day today. It's 5:30pm as I'm writing this message. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow for an appointment. I'm not looking forward to the drive because it's an hour and a half away. That's going to be the most difficult part about the appointment is the drive there. Other than that, it should be okay for me once I'm done.
I'm looking at getting into making whiskey, wine and beer at home. I want to have many things to occupy myself once I officially retire. I already have a beer making kit and I'm going to order a kit to begin making whiskey and bourbon. I think it's going to be a fun task to get into moving forward. I don't know if I want to make it into a business but I won't rule out that possibility as well.
Well, it's been a pretty long day so I'll have to say good evening to you all. Stay safe out there and be thankful for all that life has given to you.
God is awesome and his blessings flow everyday. Take care!