Good evening everyone. It was a pretty good Tuesday for me. I had a rough morning though waking up at 3am. I wasn't able to get back to sleep and that sucks. I did catch myself nearly falling to sleep a few times at my desk but I managed not to get myself in trouble. I'm still working to get ready for the London Book Fair coming up in the spring. I'm so excited to participate in this event and I'm looking forward to doing a lot of networking and making some great contacts overseas.
I recently completed my book on religion and motivation. I can't wait to release that book to the public. I think everyone who reads that book and all of my others will truly enjoy reading them. Anyway, I have to get back to work on my current book. The title of this current book is: If I Could Go Back In Time and Speak To My Eighteen-Year-Old Self...Trust me people, it's going to be a classic! Anyway, God bless you all and have a great night.
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Will be shutting down around late January, early February.
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