Saturday, December 7, 2019

Saturday Thoughts 12/7/2019 Remember Pearl Harbor!

Good afternoon everyone. Let me start this day off by remembering those individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice on December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor is a special day that should never be forgotten. God bless all you brave service member and civilians that died in the defense of freedom.

I wanted to include the pictures I have in this message because they're important to me. Besides my business logo, the other four pictures I like to use for motivation. I plan on being that next millionaire in my immediate future. It is so true in how what you do in your life will truly echo an eternity. Lord without you I am nothing. We don't even have to debate that one if you don't have the Lord in your life, you're nothing. The philosophy of the millionaire versus being broke should motivate anyone to make that right changes to go from broke to becoming a millionaire. Finally, how true is it to save money now to help you in the future. Any type of savings plan you put into place now will help you along the way and well into retirement.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share these pictures with everyone and hopefully, they can inspire you to make major changes in your life. Changes for a better and brighter future both spiritually and financially.

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