Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday Thoughts 12/18/2019

Good evening everyone. Today was a pretty good day. I'm excited to have everything I'm trying to accomplish to be falling into place. I want to stress to everyone to never give up and to always keep moving forward. I pray about my goals all the time and how I want to achieve them. I want to create a better life for my family and the goals that I seek to accomplish will help me, even more, to get them to a better place in life. I'll have to cut this one short for tonight because it's getting close to my bedtime. Anyway, God bless you all and have a great night.

My old website: - STATUS: ACTIVE - Will be shutting down around late January, early February.

My new website: - STATUS: ACTIVE (Under Construction)

My business Twitter: - STATUS: ACTIVE

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday Thoughts - 12/17/2019

Good evening everyone. It was a pretty good Tuesday for me. I had a rough morning though waking up at 3am. I wasn't able to get back to sleep and that sucks. I did catch myself nearly falling to sleep a few times at my desk but I managed not to get myself in trouble. I'm still working to get ready for the London Book Fair coming up in the spring. I'm so excited to participate in this event and I'm looking forward to doing a lot of networking and making some great contacts overseas.

I recently completed my book on religion and motivation. I can't wait to release that book to the public. I think everyone who reads that book and all of my others will truly enjoy reading them. Anyway, I have to get back to work on my current book. The title of this current book is: If I Could Go Back In Time and Speak To My Eighteen-Year-Old Self...Trust me people, it's going to be a classic! Anyway, God bless you all and have a great night.

My old website: - STATUS: ACTIVE - Will be shutting down around late January, early February.

My new website: - STATUS: ACTIVE (Under Construction)

My business Twitter: - STATUS: ACTIVE

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 12/14/2019

Good afternoon everyone. It's Saturday and I'm in my office trying to get some work done before I take the rest of the day to relax and chill. It was a pretty good week for me and I got a lot of good things accomplished. My family trip is rapidly approaching to Germany and I can't wait to get there! It's been five years since I've been overseas and this is a long overdue trip. Anyway, let me go and enjoy the rest of my day. God bless you all and stay safe out there!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Monday Thoughts 12/9/2019

Good evening everyone. I hope all of you had a great Monday because I did. It's been a while since I had one and it felt pretty good. I'm currently in the process of working with a literary agent from Paris and one from Tokyo. Hopefully, with their help, I'll be able to get my books published in both of those countries(fingers crossed). I definitely have a goal in mind and that's to go international with my writing. I found that having a website isn't always enough in order to sell books internationally. I've come to the realization that you'll need help so I hope these guys can come through for me. Anyway, it's my bedtime so let me end this here. Take care you guys and be blessed. May the Lord smile upon each and every one of you. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Saturday Thoughts 12/7/2019 Remember Pearl Harbor!

Good afternoon everyone. Let me start this day off by remembering those individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice on December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor is a special day that should never be forgotten. God bless all you brave service member and civilians that died in the defense of freedom.

I wanted to include the pictures I have in this message because they're important to me. Besides my business logo, the other four pictures I like to use for motivation. I plan on being that next millionaire in my immediate future. It is so true in how what you do in your life will truly echo an eternity. Lord without you I am nothing. We don't even have to debate that one if you don't have the Lord in your life, you're nothing. The philosophy of the millionaire versus being broke should motivate anyone to make that right changes to go from broke to becoming a millionaire. Finally, how true is it to save money now to help you in the future. Any type of savings plan you put into place now will help you along the way and well into retirement.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share these pictures with everyone and hopefully, they can inspire you to make major changes in your life. Changes for a better and brighter future both spiritually and financially.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thoughts for Sunday 12/1/19

Good morning everyone. It's Sunday, December 1st which means it's only twenty-two days until my birthday (23rd)! We have a special trip coming up as well and I'm so excited about that. I'm in my office right now trying to get some work done. I said that this time around I'd be a lot more proactive in writing messages here on this blog. I'm feeling a little under the weather and that sucks. It started last night and it's hard to explain. I went to the drug store this morning and picked up a few things to stop the illness before it gets started.

I'm moving forward with my next book after finishing my religious/motivational book this week. I"m debating on which one to work on next. I have so many series that I need to work on. I don't have enough hours in the day to do what I want to do. I like how things are going and I believe that I'm going in the right direction. Being disciplined and focused is so important to my success and I want to be successful in everything I do. I'll be heading back to VA tomorrow morning after I finish my business at the DMV.

Anyway, I think I need to go and take another dose of my medicine. My throat is sore and my head is congested. Getting sick sucks! There are a lot of things I want to work on today and this cold is not going to stop me. Well, have a great day everyone and keep moving forward. What you want to accomplish in life is just around the corner. All you have to do is believe in yourself and your abilities. God bless you all.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Update Time! 11/29/2019

Good evening everyone. It's been a few months since my last post. It's an understatement to say I've simply been busy. It's halfway true, I've been busy and quite a bit lazy, to be honest. My attention has been on my new job, family and getting my publishing company up and running (I'm still working on that by the way). The new job I started back in April has been a pretty good gig. I enjoy it a lot and it's been good to me. I recently completed my first religious/motivational book and I'm proud to say how good I think it's going to be once it's released to the public. I'm in the process of getting a business plan done to seek funding for my new business. I should have it completed by the end of December. After that, I'll be submitting it to various funding agencies.

Anyway, I will be back writing and leaving messages once again. I will be better at this because I've eliminated most of the distractions that kept me from writing nearly every day. I wanted to announce that with the completion of my latest book I think I'm up to thirty-four books completed. I love what I do and I'll continue to write for the rest of my life!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 9/14/2019

Good evening everyone. I'm working on several things that will have a great effect on my future. I'm in the process of breaking into the Latin American market. I'm also am in the process of getting my foot into the Asian market as well. I've gotten some very positive responses and I'm excited about that moving forward. The moment my breakthrough comes, I'll announce it. Now, it's time to go back to watching some football and relaxing. 


Monday, September 2, 2019

Monday Thoughts - 9/2/2019

Good evening all. It's been a while since I was here and let me tell you, I've said that over the last couple of messages. I have no excuse and the only thing I can do is apologize for my laziness. I've been very busy and really haven't been paying much attention to my blog. I have to do better moving forward. 

Image result for planet fitness logo image

As you can see from the Planet Fitness Logo, I offically became a member last week and just did my first workout today; 9/2/2019. I'm excited about this because I know it's going to get me to a much better place physically and emotionally. Anyway, let me get something to eat and celebrate my new beginning. God bless you all. 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday Thoughts - 7/21/2019

Good morning everyone. Let me say it's been a while since I posted a message. I just got back from a business trip to San Antonio and let me tell you one thing; Texas is very, very hot! I'm in NC right now and will be heading back to VA for work tomorrow. I had a great time and the training was very informative. It was for my new job and it's going to help me out moving forward. Well, I'm going to have to stop here for now so take care and have a great Sunday!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Thoughts 6/24/2019

Good morning all. It's been a while once again since I posted a message. I'm at work now and it's a little slow so I thought this would be a good time. Let me apologize again for my absence, I have to work on being more present. I'm going to be submitting my fifth and final book of the Montclair Murder Series: The Truck Stop. I'm excited about that and I can't wait to get started working on it. The book is already done, I just have to submit it to the publisher. I have a few more things to do and then I'll submit it and begin the process of bringing the book to life. Now that my company is officially up and running, my next mission will be making it a profitable business entity. I want to help other authors get there books notice and I'll give them the opportunity to advertise on my company's website as well. Anyway, let me get back to the process. Peace, Joy & Love to all.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday Thoughts - 6/13/2019

Good evening. It's been a while, once again, since I've left a message. My apologies people. It's been a very busy time. As you can see by the beautiful logo below, I'm happy to announce the launch of my new company: Monarch Publishing & Film, LLC! My business became official on June 12 and I couldn't be happier. My dream to become a publisher has finally become a reality! Anyway, the next phase will be to get busy putting out books and films. Trust me people, this is going to be huge! Anyway, let me get back to work. God bless you all and I'll be back soon!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

The First Day of June - 6/1/2019

Good evening everyone. It's been quit a while since my last post. I've been very busy and working on so many other things that I've neglected posting messages. Anyway, my new job is great and I'm learning alot. I'm about to launch my new publishing and film company and I'm very excited about that. Soon I'll be a world-wide business entity and it feels great. I know what you're thinking as you read this, I'm crazy but I'm not. I truly believe in myself and what I'm trying to accomplish. If I don't believe in myself, who will. Anyway, I'll try to be better moving forward with my messages. Take care everyone and be blessed. Have a great weekend and be safe out there. God is with you always!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday Thoughts - 5/19/2019

It's been over a week since the last blog and I can tell you that it's been a productive one for sure.  I did get sick on Thursday with this throat infection and had to take Friday off to begin recovery. Today's Sunday and I'm still feeling the effects of this bug. I hate getting sick, especially during the summer when it's nice and sunny outside but you're so sick you can't go outside and enjoy it. Anyway, I've had a pretty good weekend and my wife and daughter came up to visit me. It was good to see them as always. Well, let me get back to relaxing and watching tv. Take care and God bless you all.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday Thoughts 5/11/2019

I know it's the 11th of May and I haven't posted since the 23rd of April but I've had a few things going on. These things were all positive and I'm happy to report at least that much. I'm getting closer to my goal of getting my business started and I'm very happy to report that. My new job has been really great and my coworkers and supervisor are nice to work with. I'm training every day and I like my work. I'm preparing to submit my fifth book to the publisher for a summer release; good things.

I'm looking forward to getting more books releases in the coming months. Once I release the last book in the Montclair Murder series, I'll probably release my first Sci-Fi novel! I'm very excited about that release because I put a lot of work into that book and the series it's under. I think I'll be looking at either releasing my first romance or religious book after the Sci-Fi. I'm in the middle of writing my sixteenth book in my crime series as well and I'm looking forward to finishing that this summer. 

I came home this weekend to spend it with my family and I'm glad I did. I miss my grandkids very much and seeing them grow up is a great thing. I'll do better next time and put up more messages in the coming weeks. This new job is pretty good and it keeps me busy. I just have to make sure that I simply take the time to stop and post a message. Well, the Godfather is on and it's one of my favorite movies all time so let me watch that and have a glass or two of wine. God Speed!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday Thoughts - 4/23/2019

Good evening everyone. It's been a pretty good Tuesday for me and I'm so happy to be free. I'm at home after a long but successful day at my new job. So far my new job is pretty good and the staff is pretty good as well. I had a good workout afterwards and I'm ready to have a couple Corona's and call it a night. Anyway, I'm keeping it short tonight because I'm tired and ready to go to bed early. Take care everyone and may God bless you all. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 4/20/2019

Good Saturday morning everyone. I haven't posted a message all week. I've been busy doing so many things that posting a message just simply fell to the wayside. My apologies for that because I should be more aware of my time and what's important to me which this is. Now if I can only get more people to read my messages, I'd be a lot more satisfied with what I put out to the masses. I'm getting closer to getting funding for my business. I know that I haven't talked about that in a while and that's for a reason.

I'm at home right now just relaxing and watching the Expendables marathon on AMC. I have seen these movies a dozen times but what can I say, I'm an action movie junky. I might take a ride later on today and do some shopping or maybe get a haircut. My car is in desperate need of washing so I might as well do that too. I was at the doctor's office yesterday and my blood pressure was 99/62 which is excellent. The nurse said to me; "we have twenty year olds who don't have blood pressure readings like that! Whatever you're doing, keep it up!" I simply smiled and said; "no problem."

Anyway, I guess I better get going and get something done before it will be time to go to bed. It's 11 am right now. I have twelve hours to go before bedtime so I'm burning daylight as we speak! Bye!    

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Thoughts - 4/14/2019

Good evening everyone. It's the first day of the week and I had a great weekend with my family. I made it back safely to Petersburg and I'm in the middle of getting ready for this week's work. I'm excited about this upcoming week as I have a lot to do. I talked to two of my old army buddies from Japan and we had a great time catching up. One of my friends has been promoted in his job and transferred to Hawaii. Man, I'm so happy for him and his family. Now that I know he's there, I will be planning a trip by the end of the year for sure. Anyway, I'm tired and it's been a long day so let me get back to work because I'm going to be early tonight. Peace, love, and blessing to you all. Believe in yourself, ask God for help and watch the magic happen!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Thoughts - 4/12/2019

Good evening everyone. I haven't blogged all week and let me apologize for that. It's been a busy week and I've completed my first two weeks at my new job. So far, so good you guys! I like my new coworkers and working at a hospital isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's Friday and I'm at a new place chilling for the night. I'll probably drive home tomorrow to visit with my family. Anyway, it's Corona time so take care you guys and be safe this weekend.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday Thoughts - 4/6/2019

Good morning everyone. It's Saturday and I'm at home with my family. I just finished my first week at my new job and it was pretty great. I see wonderful things ahead and it will be nice to get the first paycheck. Man, I need money now and I can't wait until I get paid! I drove home to NC last night and I'll be spending the weekend doing a few things around the house before heading up the road on Sunday. I want to catch up on a few calls that I have to make and my notes for my next book. I'm shooting for a summer release; fingers crossed. Anyway, let me get busy and do something fun. Have a great Saturday! Peace, love, and blessing to you all. Believe in yourself, ask God for help and watch the magic happen!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Another Great Day - 4/2/2019

Good evening everyone. It was another great day today and again, I like how that feels. My nephew starts his new job this month as well and I'm proud of him. He's a new dad and I know he's going to be awesome. He has big dreams and I'm going to do whatever I can to help him get there. As for me, I'm on a new journey and it feels great. I worked out today and it made me feel pretty good. Slowly but surely I'm going to get my body back. I'm tired of being fat and out of shape. I will succeed because it's my destiny. Anyway, let me go and give my family a call to check and see how they are doing. Peace, love and blessing to you all. Believe in yourself, ask God for help and watch the magic happen!

Monday, April 1, 2019

New Job, New Day with a New Attitude - 4/1/2019

Good evening all. TODAY WAS A GREAT DAY FOR ME AT MY NEW JOB!! I just had to shout that out to the masses. I worked out today after work as well so I'm on a roll right now. This has been one of the best Mondays I've had in a long time. I have to continue to ride this wave on goodness through the rest of the week and into the weekend. I'm a little sore now and my muscles ache slightly so that hot shower is going to feel pretty good in a few minutes. The Corona's I drank in celebration tasted so good as well. Man, this is a great feeling and I'm going to make it my priority to make it last for a long time. Anyway, it's shower and sleep time so let me get to it. God bless you all! Cheers!



Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday Thoughts - 3/27/2019

Good evening all. Let me apologize for not posting until now. I've been busy getting ready for my move up to VA for my new job. I've been packing and running around like crazy trying to get things done before I leave on Friday. My family is happy and a little sad because I'm leaving but a man has to do what a man has to do in order to take care of them. I'm making another great sacrifice to make a better life for them. At least that's what I'm telling myself anyway. I"m in my office continuing packing up what I need to take with me. I want to make sure that I have everything and that I don't leave anything behind. I'm going to to head downstairs now and have a drink. My head is beginning to ache and I know I could use a break. Take care everyone and thanks for supporting me. God bless you all! Cheers!




Good evening family. I'll keep it short and sweet...God bless you all! New year, new opportunities! https://baylorbooksworldwi.wixsite...